Housing Market July 31, 2023

The Home Buying Conundrum: FOMO and FOBO Take Center Stage!

Purchasing a home is a major decision that can significantly impact our lives. However, in today’s fast-paced world, the fear or missing out (FOMO) and the fear of a better option (FOBO) often play a starring role in this decision-making process.  Let’s explore the potential effects of FOMO and FOBO on individuals when buying a home.

  1. FOMO: The Perils of Fear of Missing Out

While FOMO may have some benefits in that it can be motivating and aspirational, it can also lead people to make decisions they would  not otherwise make—especially during a frenetic, competitive market.  In fact, a 2023 study found that 82% of millennials, who felt urgency to purchase their first home in the recent market fervor, regretted their choice.

While it’s natural to experience a sense of urgency when it comes to buying a home, FOMO can cloud our judgment.  We may rush into a purchase without thoroughly considering our needs, budget, the impact on our lifestyle and our long-term goals. Remember, a hasty decision could lead to a lifetime of regret, stuck with a home that doesn’t quite fit the bill or breaks the bank.

  1. FOBO: The Paralysis of Fear of a Better Option (aka risk aversion):

FOBO, on the other hand, can be a real deal breaker when it comes to buying a home.  Let’s say you find a house that ticks all the right boxes—it has the right location, size and price.  But just as you’re about to sign the dotted line, that nagging voice whispers, “What if there’s a better house out there?  What if interest rates drop or prices decline?”

While it’s important to be financially savvy, FOBO can lead to analysis paralysis.  Unwillingness to settle for the less than perfect leads to actually never settling for anything at all.  While FOMO may have it’s benefits, FOBO has none.  It only hurts you and those around you.  You find yourself endlessly waiting for the perfect moment, hoping for a better deal that may never come.  Meanwhile, the housing market moves on and the equity you could have gained by purchasing a home is left untapped. Even creating unrealistic parameters around a home search may be a form of FOBO.  If the home doesn’t exist, you don’t have to make a decision!

  1. The Home Buying Balancing Act:

FOMO and FOBO create a tricky balancing act when it comes to finding the right home. On one hand, FOMO pushes us to act impulsively, potentially resulting in a less than ideal purchase.  On the other hand, FOBO keeps us stuck in a loop of indecision, causing us to miss out on opportunities for equity growth and stability.

Finding the right balance is key.  Consider your needs, budget and the current market conditions.  Recognize that there may never be “a perfect moment” and waiting indefinitely could mean missing out on the benefits of homeownership, such as building equity and enjoying the stability and pride that comes with owning a home.


The influence of FOMO and FOBO on our decision to purchase a home is significant. While FOMO can lead us to make impulsive choices, FOBO can keep us from making any choice at all.  It’s crucial to strike a balance and make informed decisions based on our individual circumstances.

When faced with FOMO, take a step back and evaluate whether the rush is truly worth it.  Don’t let fear drive you into a decision that may not align with your long-term goals.  And, when plagued by FOBO, consider the potential equity growth and stability that homeownership can bring, even in a fluctuating market.

Ultimately, finding the right home involves a mix of research, introspection and a dash of both faith and humor.  So, embrace the process, learn to laugh at the uncertainties, and make a choice that suits your needs and brings you joy and satisfactions for years to come!